

A sunny Sunday.
A vintage Jaguar showed up. Oh South Africa being commonwealth.


People`s notorious Taxi.
Though they are important for local people`s transportation, their bad driving manner is out of question.
南アの名物Taxi. 基本的にトヨタ・ハイエースを使用。公共交通機関が発達しない南アの、車を持たない黒人の足。これに5列シートを組み込み、20人位乗せて、全開で交通ルール全無視でブッ飛ばす。運転手は無免許の不法移民だったりする。たまに事故って全員死亡なんかが報じられる。後日、詳しく書こうと思います。

I love pick-ups.
Ford 70`s escort pick up?
Reminds me of Chevy El Camino, one of most favorite cars.

ピックアップ大好きなのです。70年代のFORD、顔はEscortあたりかな。、El CaminoのEuropean Ford版というところでしょうか。
これをキャンピングカーにしたのが、映画Mad Max第1作のMaxの家の車ではないかと。

Finally, a pleasant shot of Chevy Impala on the highway. Looks really happy. Same Impala is highjacked by the bikers in the movie Mad Max, I can never forget the scene. ★
これもMad Maxで暴走族にめちゃくちゃに壊されちゃうんんですよね。思い出の1台です。★


busy nesting

A new nest was made in my garden.
At the center of this picuture, the round object on this tropcal tree is the nest.

Maybe it is a male, making the nest.
He tears leaves with his bill and makes the nest.
Quite ecological but with no consent with the owner.
As I watch, found 3 birds are involved in making the nest. I reckon 2 male birds are fighting for 1 female.... She is directing to her candidates and they are competing to show which is capable.
Or one is jealous and interferring.


sun rise

Every day I wake up at 6:00, as office starts at 8:00, go to bed at 11:00. Unbelievablely healthy life like a high school student. (I recall the life in Tokyo, drinking out with friends till midnight and barely wake up late 8:00 slippping into the office at 10:00 almost everyday.)
There are good things for that. Enjoying the beauty of sunrise, misty woods along my way.



African objects

A cultural discovery of South Africa from Tokyo-eye.
I dared to an open market nearby. Of course, all the shop are run by black people. I was the only Asian there.
As a starter, I bought two objects. One is "mother and child ($10)" the other is "thinking man.($3)" ,after nice and pleasant price negotiation.
Though both are made for tourists, the quality is not so bad for the price.
Maybe these are far from real art....
My discovery into real African art has just begun.