Joined the Japan day at Sandton to celebrate pre-day of the Japan - Cameroon match.
We were all in Samura-blue praying for the victory of team Japan, normally we try not to show our nationality from security reasons, but today that rule did not stop us.
13日、サントンにてSONY主催のJapan dayに参加。
イベントは準ミス日本や北澤さん、エムボマさんなども参加。しかし、カメルーンの人達も20名位いたのですが、お互いのチーム応援合戦ではその歓声の大きさに百名位いた日本人は完敗。正直、明日大丈夫かなあ、やっぱり日本人てお行儀よすぎるなと不安になりました。 from both countries cheered up each other, but big voice of Cameroon supporters much few in number surpassed Japanese, makes us worried about tomorrows match. Don`t be shy we Japanese.
But we won at 1-0, this was the day of our pride. Living in a far south west from Japan, made me feel myself more of Japanese.
A vegetable shop also celebrates FIFA. Their vegetable and fruit is very fresh and good. I recall what I have found good in UK was from this country. I wonder why Japanese media always feature bad aspect of this country but not good. This country should be more esteemed, I believe.